エクセル マクロ(VBA)でCisco Interface設定を自動化





Dim CkJudge As String
Dim ConfWsName As String
Dim IFWsName As String
Dim OutCell As Integer
Dim ColumnNo As Integer
Dim LastRow As Integer

Dim ConfWs As Worksheet

Dim test As String

If fc_WsCk("ConfigSheet") = True Then
    If MsgBox("ConfigSheetのデータを削除します", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        MsgBox "ConfigSheetのデータを確認してください"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim Currentsheet As Worksheet
    Set Currentsheet = ActiveSheet ' 現在アクティブなシートを取得する
    Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
    ActiveSheet.Name = "ConfigSheet"
    Currentsheet.Activate ' 元のシートをアクティブにする
End If

IFWsName = Worksheets("IF").Name
ConfWsName = Worksheets("ConfigSheet").Name

LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row '2列目のセルのデータが入っている最終行を選択
  'Rows.Countは、シートの行数 ・シートの2列の最終行から、上に向かって最初にデータがあるセルを返す
OutCell = 1

For t = 4 To LastRow    '4行目から最終行まで回す
    CkJudge = Worksheets(IFWsName).Cells(t, 2).Value
    If CkJudge = "True" Then
        ColumnNo = Worksheets(IFWsName).Cells(t, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column '列の最終行を取得

        For tt = 3 To ColumnNo
            If IsEmpty(Cells(t, tt).Value) Or Cells(t, tt).Value = "-" Then
                Dim insertValue As String
                Dim PreCellValue As String
                Dim TitleCell As String
                PreCellValue = Cells(t, tt - 1).Value  '1個前のデータを取得(Port Modeの値を取得するために使用)
                TitleCell = Cells(2, tt).Value  'タイトルを取得
                insertValue = fc_CellValue(TitleCell, Cells(t, tt).Value, PreCellValue)
                Worksheets(ConfWsName).Cells(OutCell, 4).Value = insertValue
                OutCell = OutCell + 1
            End If

    ElseIf CkJudge = "★" Then
         MsgBox "完了"
        Exit For
    End If

End Sub

Function fc_WsCk(ByVal WorkSheetName As String) As Boolean
  For Each ConfWs In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If ConfWs.Name = WorkSheetName Then
        fc_WsCk = True
        Exit Function
    End If
  Next ConfWs
fc_WsCk = False
End Function

Function fc_CellValue(ByVal tt As String, ByVal CurrentValue As String, ByVal PreValue As String) As String
    Select Case tt
        Case "Port No"
            fc_CellValue = "interface " & CurrentValue
        Case "Description"
            fc_CellValue = "description " & CurrentValue
        Case "Port Mode"
            Select Case CurrentValue
                 Case "no switchport"
                    fc_CellValue = CurrentValue
                 Case "access", "trunk"
                    fc_CellValue = "switchport mode " & CurrentValue
            End Select
        Case "VLAN"  '1個前のPort modeの値によって判断
            Select Case PreValue
                 Case "no switchport"
                    fc_CellValue = ""
                 Case "access"
                    fc_CellValue = "switchport access vlan " & CurrentValue
                 Case "trunk"
                    fc_CellValue = "switchport trunk allowed vlan " & CurrentValue
            End Select
        Case "IP Addr"
            fc_CellValue = "ip address " & CurrentValue
        Case "Native VLAN"
            fc_CellValue = "switchport trunk native vlan " & CurrentValue
        Case "Speed"
            fc_CellValue = "speed" & CurrentValue
        Case "Duplex"
            fc_CellValue = "duplex " & CurrentValue
        Case "STP"
            fc_CellValue = "spanning-tree " & CurrentValue
        Case "Shutdown"
            fc_CellValue = CurrentValue
        Case "Ether Channel"
            fc_CellValue = "channel-group " & CurrentValue & " mode on"
        Case "fin"
            fc_CellValue = CurrentValue
    End Select
End Function

